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What is this Phantomophigure 'Polyverse'?



Phantomoshop invites YOU to explore the 'Polyverse' ... by lightly rubbing your eyes while shut. When you open them back up, you will see there is no illusion.


Polishing Diamonds : The Gateway Shall Present Itself

"... while listening, I was inclined to lightly rub my eyes while shut. That is the precise moment in which the gateway presented itself ..."

Just as a piano has a key for each note to represent it's compendium of polyphony ...

The PhantomoPhigure 'Polyverse' is a compendium of keys with the power to unlock passages into an infinte realm of inaudible, invisible and unmanufactured 'free-quincies'.

The Polyverse is sans design the un-noticed, the very core of 'mystique'.

Therefore, masks are imperative. Any Phantomophigure 'MeditMask' Pupa are the 'proof in the pudding' to this very notion.


A Phantomophigure

Surely not a 'doll' from the Material World,

but an assemblage of parts, rather, representing past experiences that when arranged together the way they are seen, NOT the way THEY see, form an amalgam of past-life totems that promote a useable, mentally constructive experience ... a 'cure' for the post-mortem doldrums of the silent afterlife deep beyond the flat screen.





Mentors of the living, each with standardized design components that open an infinite gateway revealing more ways to display, which is MORE WAYS TO PLAY!





Brothers Jenson Present 2016